Brivo and ASIS recently conducted a survey on over 450 security professionals.
The Brivo Smart Security Trends Report: Physical Security Disruption in the COVID Era reveals what people in charge of enterprise security had to say about the impact of COVID on their organizational priorities:
- 75% said that the importance of physical security has increased at their organization
- 60% see an immediate need or are considering an upgrade to their security technology
Are you of the same mind as your peers? Don't get left behind, make sure you are up-to-date on the latest security trends.
Download the report to dive into what's ahead in 2021, including:
- COVID impacts and how to plan for the return to the office
- The role technology integrations will play and how you need to prepare
- The changing role of cloud in security and its rocketing demand
- How data analytics are a game-changer for the road ahead
Get the Report