@{First Name}@, cooling towers are an effective and popular heat rejection
technology used in almost all industries. The recirculating water within
the cooling tower absorbs airborne particulates of various sizes on a
continuous basis, contributing to the formation of deposits (scale, fouling
and biofilms). These deposits lead to a reduction in heat transfer
efficiencies and increased operating and maintenance costs. Learn how water
treatment can help in improving your HVAC systems total operating and
maintenance costs.
Complimentary Cooling Tower/HVAC Particle Size Analysis
This analysis gives you greater insights into the size and quantity of
particles recirculating in your cooling tower or chilled water systems.
This information is crucial in helping you select an appropriate filtration
system to address your unique challenges.
Learn how you can reduce OPEX and start saving today! »
Whitepaper: Evaluating The Need For Fine Filtration
Evoqua's cross-flow microsand filtration technology applauded In Eneref
Institute cooling tower report. The report looks at the benefits of
cross-flow microsand filtration technology, "due to its high-value results
and effectiveness at keeping cooling towers clean".
Learn more »
Case Study: Vortisand® System Reduces Medical Center's Cooling Tower
After a few months of operation, a new challenge surfaced, maintenance
costs were substantially increasing due to the cooling tower basins being
cleaned on a weekly basis, along with the bag filters being replaced every
shift due to the amount of dirt build up.
Learn how this facility reduced their yearly maintenance and energy
costs »
Webinar: Choosing the Right Water Filtration System Will Maximize Your
Cooling Tower Efficiencies
Typically, 85% of suspended solids in cooling water loops are smaller than
5 microns in size. Scientific studies have shown that these fine particles
are the adherent contaminants fouling the water loop and cooling system.
Learn how you can improve your cooling tower efficiencies by selecting
the right filtration system »
Webinar: What's in Your Water? Prevention of Infection from Legionella
and Waterborne Pathogens
The CDC estimates that each year there are between 8,000 to 18,000 cases of
Legionnaires disease. Attendees will hear from Dr. Janet E. Stout,
Legionella expert and contributor to the ANSI/ASHRAE standard.
Learn how you can minimize the risk of Legionella in your cooling tower
water loop with a water management program »