Exploring The Effects On Energy Efficiency As Buildings Reopen During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for most businesses. It isn't surprising that many organizations which were planning to make significant energy efficiency capital investments may have had to shift priorities at this time and put those off for a few years.

If energy efficiency has been a priority for your business, you will find that recommendations from the CDC and ASHRAE suggest an approach that prioritizes health and safety at the expense of energy efficiency within the building. That means a temporary change in the approach to how you manage energy use in your building, since health and safety is priority.

We've put together this article for you which offers tips on how you can ensure that in the long term, you are protecting your employees, customers and vendors, but remaining as energy efficient as possible in the process. It covers Optimize Air Ventilation, Office Space Redesigns and much more...

Read more about what you can do to optimize the work environment.

Read the Full Article
Information Courtesy of National Grid