If you are spending a fortune to clean your facility every day, but your restrooms still look dingy, I have the perfect solution!
The problem you are experiencing results from tile and grout being a porous surface. Dirty mop water and other contaminants absorb into the tile and grout causing many problems like a dingy appearance, foul odors, and mold and mildew growth.
The solution is to transform your tile and grout into a non-porous surface. That is precisely what our SaniGLAZE Restoration System delivers. Our Restorative Bonding Process prevents contaminants from coming into contact with your tile and grout. Your restrooms will look Awesome and the tile and grout will be much easier to clean!
Call or email us for a no pressure, no obligation Free Demo on your most challenging area. Call (310) 780-0642 or email me at the following address: