Our Technology Incentive Program can help you manage your energy costs - Learn More



SDG&E's Technology Incentives (TI) Program offers incentives for the purchase and installation of qualified, automated demand-response measures that provide verified, dispatchable, on-peak load reduction at your facility.

Better business results are often the product of better energy management systems.

Eligible businesses may receive up to $200 per kilowatt (kW) of verified, dispatchable, fully automated on-peak load reduction. The total of the earned incentive is limited to 75% of the total project cost.

How can an Energy Management System (EMS) help?

Does your business qualify?

The TI program is available to any commercial, industrial or agricultural customer with a monthly on-peak demand of 20kW or greater.

Businesses who wish to receive technology incentives must demonstrate their actual ability to reduce demand and will be required to enroll in a qualified SDG&E Demand Response program for a period of three years.

Does your business qualify?

To get started email drp@sdge.com or call the Business Savings Center at 1-866-377-4735.

Information courtesy of San Diego Gas & Electric