Do you have a commercial roofing project that requires a higher level of puncture resistance?
Strategies & Solutions

Carlisle SynTec Systems

Not all 60-mil membranes are created equal.

White thermoplastic TPO and PVC single-ply roofing membranes must be internally reinforced and typically have 20-25 mils of weathering material over the reinforcing scrim.

Cross Section Thermoplastic

Comparatively, non-reinforced EPDM membranes have a full 60 mils of weathering material.

Cross Section EPDM

In addition to providing twice the thickness, Xenon Arc accelerated weathering tests indicate that black EPDM (at 41,580 kJ/m2) provides much greater UV resistance than most white TPO and PVC membranes (at 20,000 kJ/m2). Reinforced membranes are typically replaced once the reinforcing scrim is exposed from weathering, whereas non-reinforced EPDM remains intact and repairable long into its service life. When it comes to long-term performance, EPDM is a very sustainable and durable choice for low-slope commercial roofs.

For more information or to learn more about EPDM membranes, visit or contact Ron Goodman at

Information courtesy of Carlisle SynTec Systems
