GE's clamp-on and inline ultrasonic flow and vortex flow meters help conserve resources and reduce costs.
Maintenance Strategies & Solutions from Facility Maintenance Decisions

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“If you can’t measure it, you cannot improve it.”
Sir William Thomson, Lord Kelvin

At GE, we recognize that meeting energy efficiency goals is a tough challenge for anyone responsible for district heating and energy usage. If you want to improve billing accuracy, conduct efficiency studies or better control processes, you may need to monitor, measure or analyze water, steam or gas flow. Institutions worldwide use GE’s clamp-on and inline ultrasonic flow and vortex flow meters in their operations to help conserve resources and reduce costs.

Download a free white paper on
ultrasonic flow measurement.

Challenge: meet federal guidelines for reducing energy consumption in U.S. government buildings.

Solution: GE liquid and steam ultrasonic flow meters

Benefit: more accurate flow measurement and reduced maintenance costs

Find out how other customers have improved their steam consumption efficiency.

GE energy and metering assessment

Download a free white paper on ultrasonic flow measurement.

GE energy and metering assessment

Could utility metering help improve your energy efficiency?

Have one our local representatives come to your facility for a no-cost energy and metering assessment.

Learn more about this FREE service!

Information courtesy of GE Measurement & Control
