Discover the benefits of LED lighting in High-Performance Facilities May 17-18
High-Performance Buildings+Workplaces - May 17-18, 2017 - Arlington, TX - Smart Sustainable Healthy Buildings Start Today
Make your Buildings Smart, Sustainable and Healthy
Free Video - LEDs, Lighting Controls and the Economics of People
New insights into the impact of LED lighting on occupants of your buildings.

Top 3 Takeaways
  1. Evaluate the full impact of LED product selection when calculating overall project savings, including effect on building occupants
  2. Examine the implications of the use of color to affect mood and health of building occupants
  3. Determine how to support new lighting control architectures/methods, and what this implies to those responsible for facilities
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Best regards,

Wendy Dietzler
Wendy Dietzler
Vice President of Education and Conferencing
High-Performance Buildings Conference and Expo
May 17-18
Arlington, TX