NFMT Baltimore - March 22-24, 2016 - Baltimore Convention Center
NFMT Baltimore
NFMT Baltimore

You are 3 weeks away from the opportunity to meet with 5,000 facilities professionals

Registrations for NFMT Baltimore are up over last year's show. More registrations mean more attendees, which means more people in the Exhibit Hall, which means more sales opportunities for you.

For that to happen, though, you have to first reserve your Exhibit Hall space.

Request NFMT Floorplan

What are you waiting for?
Time is running out. You don't have much time to reserve your space in the Exhibit Hall. The show starts in three week. Select your space today.

Download NFMT Prospectus

Don't miss out on the opportunities you can only find at NFMT Baltimore.

Call or email us for prompt personal service.

Companies A-C, plus numeric
Laurie Vega
414-228-7701, Ext. 482

Companies D, L-P
Lucy Kaufmann
414-228-7701, Ext. 477

Companies E-K
Rob Lewis
414-228-7701, Ext. 449

Companies Q-Z
Debbie Hanamann
414-228-7701, Ext. 305

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