Healthcare Facilities Today


Brought to you by Critical Facilities Summit
Cathy Jakicic

Welcome to the weekly roundup. Check out the key posts from last week and hit the ground running on Monday.

Several of this posts addressed questions of sustainability, climate change and energy conservation. A FacilityCare article asked the question: Why aren't more facility managers embracing sustainability?  And a Healthcare Design article suggested that climate change offers opportunities for healthcare design. A Health Facilities Management article described theory in action in a stoey about a N.Y. hospital's green expansion.

Other posts, such as the Infection Control Today article on government agencies urging reviews of sterilizing procedures for reusable devices urged, reflected today's healthcare headlines. And some reflected forward thinking healthcare providers who are addressing today's and tomorrow's needs — such as the Orlando hospital that built the regions first ER for children.

Click the links below for a quick sampling of the week's articles and be sure to come back to every day next week. We’re gathering and sharing the news, insights and advice you need to do your job smarter today, tomorrow and far into the fast-changing future of healthcare facilities. 

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Enjoy your weekend,
Cathy Jakicic
Healthcare Facilities Today


 • Why aren't more facility managers embracing sustainability? 

 • Climate change offers opportunities for healthcare design 

 • N.Y. hospital's green expansion includes co-gen plant

l• Review of sterilizing procedures for reusable devices urged

 • Orlando emergency center for kids first in region

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