Healthcare Facilities Today


Brought to you by Building Operating Management
Cathy Jakicic

Welcome to the weekly roundup. Check out the key posts from last week and hit the ground running on Monday.  

Last week' s posts included a lot of discussions about the impact technology has on healthcare facilities and patient care — even if it's just to simulate nature.

FacilityCare posted an article on how healthcare building automation can benefit budget and productivity and Health Facilities Management wrote about transitioning to digital television systems in healthcare facilities.

Medical Construction & Design shared information on how technology changing how healthcare is managed and where it's delivered and an article on LinkedIn talked about how illuminated ceiling murals can bring healing nature inside healthcare facilities.

Click the links below for a quick sampling of the month's infection control articles and be sure to come back to every day next week. We’re gathering and sharing the news, insights and advice you need to do your job smarter today, tomorrow and far into the fast-changing future of healthcare facilities. 

Because of the Christmas and New Year holidays, the next weekly roundup will post on January 9th.

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Enjoy your weekend,
Cathy Jakicic
Healthcare Facilities Today


 • Healthcare building automation can benefit budget and productivity

 • Transitioning to digital television systems in healthcare facilities

 • Technology changing how healthcare is managed and where it's delivered

 • Illuminated sky ceilings mean things for patients are looking up

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