Healthcare Facilities Today


Brought to you by Siemens
Cathy Jakicic

Welcome to the weekly roundup.   Check out the key posts from last week and hit the ground running on Monday.  

This week's post topics range from the perennial to the topical (as usual). Several articles address aspects of infection control, an issue that, in one form or another, will never be off the facilities manager to-do list. Many hospitals are taking advantage of latest bacteria-fighting copper fixtures when making decisions on facility design but at the same time, hospitals in Jamaica are installing the basics: 307 hand-washing stations.

Meanwhile, the Affordable Care Act has brought emergency rooms to the forefront, as many are being upgraded or merged to meet the needs of a changing population of healthcare consumers.

Click the links below for a quick sampling of the week's articles and be sure to come back to every day next week. We’re gathering and sharing the news, insights and advice you need to do your job smarter today, tomorrow and far into the fast-changing future of healthcare facilities. 

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Enjoy your weekend,
Cathy Jakicic
Healthcare Facilities Today


 • Bacteria-fighting copper making a comeback in hospitals 

 • 307 hand-washing stations set for Jamaican healthcare facilities

 • Infection control goes beyond hand washing

l• Chicago hospital's plan to merge pediatric, adult ERs criticized

 • N.J. hospital opens renovated emergency room


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