Healthcare Facilities Today


Brought to you by Building Operating Management
Cathy Jakicic

Welcome to the weekly roundup. Check out the key posts from last week and hit the ground running on Monday.

This month’s focus will be on infection control, lighting and energy efficiency, but we make sure we include information on regulations and codes every month. Brad Keyes' weekly columns have dealt with the following issues so far in January:

• Annual tests on fire rated door assemblies

• Temporary construction barrier

Be sure to watch for the rest of his columns in January — he'll be answering questions on converting a cath lab procedure room to storage and the doors wedged open.

Be sure to come back to every day next week. We’re gathering and sharing the news, insights and advice you need to do your job smarter today, tomorrow and far into the fast-changing future of healthcare facilities. 

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Enjoy your weekend,
Cathy Jakicic
Healthcare Facilities Today

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