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Current Conversations on MyFacilitiesNet:

Understanding the Construction Operations Building Information Exchange

COBie, the Construction Operations Building information exchange, is designed to help the facility manager get electronic versions of key information produced during the building construction process — information that is usually provided to the FM on paper. The COBie specification identifies the content of the information that must be captured and exchanged at each phase of the project, with requirements for the designer, the builder, and the commissioning agent. A new book, "Delivering COBie Using Autodesk Revit," explains how COBie can be successfully delivered. Click through to learn more and be the first to comment.

     Ed Sullivan, Be the first to comment

College Campuses:
Lessons for Corporate Workplaces

For all the emphasis on recruiting the best talent, corporations are dropping the ball once they've hired new college grads. So argues Brett Schwery of AECOM in a recent article in Building Operating Management. He says that new hires, fresh out of college, often enter a corporate world of silos and constraints, and the result is lost productivity. Click through to read about how FMs can apply lessons of campus design to the workplace.

     Ed Sullivan, Be the first to comment

Did PV Help Your Facility Weather the Storm?

As one hurricane after another barrels through normally sun-soaked regions of the world, I can't help but wonder at the potential role of photovoltaics in disaster response. In many cases, once the winds have died down, grid damage is one of the major hurdles to overcome. However, it seems the situation might be more complicated than simply having solar panels installed on the roof. The news coverage I saw did not address onsite storage, and was also focused on residential customers. If you are in Florida or Texas and have PV generation at your facility, how did you ride out the recent storms? Were you able to rely on your solar system for backup power? Click through to learn more, and share your experience.

     Naomi Millán, Be the first to comment

Is The ADA Under Attack?

Twenty-seven years after its inception, the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) faces a new challenge from a bill making its through Congress. The bill would basically make it more difficult for handicapped people to lodge complaints against businesses who still (after 27 years!) don't comply with ADA regulations. It also makes it easier for these businesses to continue delaying compliance. Most who would be affected by the bill agree it's a massive step backwards, and that's why the 217 members of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities sent a letter to Congress opposing it. Click through for more information and links about the bill, and a chance to leave your comments.

     Greg Zimmerman, Be the first to comment

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