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Current Conversations on MyFacilitiesNet:

What Are Your Go-To Apps for FM?

Is your mobile device an extension of your body? I used to scoff at this concept. I've always used a flip phone (yes, go ahead and laugh), so I didn't really get the whole screen-codependency thing. Until I got a mini tablet — and now it is my everything. I can only imagine it's the same way for you in facilities management. A Building Operating Management survey showed that 81 percent of FMs using mobile devices for work were using them to access the BAS. This was followed by 77 percent using them to access the HVAC system. But I'm sure there are oodles of other apps you use now, naturally, as an everyday part of your life in FM. Let's create a resource list for everyone by posting your faves in the comments below.

     Naomi Millán, Be the first to comment

More Good News for Solar Power

As part of Building Operating Management's coverage on how existing buildings are moving toward net zero energy use, we're seeing how more and more large companies are embracing solar energy systems as the costs continue to drop. In the April issue, we report some of the statistics from the Solar Energy Industries Association's 2016 Solar Means Business Report. Use them to justify your own foray into alternative energy systems, and tell us your feelings about solar energy as a renewable source of power for your facilities. Are you thinking of giving it a shot?

     Greg Zimmerman, Be the first to comment

Flooring: Thinking About the End at the Beginning

What is going to happen to that VCT or carpet tile once you're done with it? That's a question you should ask before installing flooring in the first place. Unless you're laying down some nearly eternal flooring like terrazzo, you (or your successor) will have to dispose of it at the end of its useful life in your facility. Check out this article where I look into three strategies facility managers can take with their floors: recycle, reduce, and reuse. Yes, even with flooring, recycling is not the only green option available.

     Naomi Millán, Be the first to comment

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