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Current Conversations on MyFacilitiesNet:

How Healthcare Facilities Are Saving Energy

Despite the well-known challenges of achieving energy efficiency in medical facilities, facility managers in some organizations have achieved excellent progress in reducing energy use. In some cases, hospitals have turned their own unique characteristics to their advantage to improve energy performance. Heat recovery and other methods are described in an article on how healthcare leaders are rethinking traditional practices to cut energy use. What have you done in your facility?

     Ed Sullivan, Be the first to comment

Deep Energy Retrofits Harvest Savings

A small but growing number of buildings have undertaken deep energy retrofits that target energy savings of 40 to 50 percent, and are a striking departure from the piecemeal focus of conventional energy improvement projects. Might they be right for your facility? Explore the topic and what facilities big and small have done to dig deep.

     Ron Kovach, Be the first to comment

Disaster Response: What Went Right

Facility managers are constantly working on anticipating all that can go wrong at their facilities, planning for the worst and hoping to never have to use those plans. Building Operating Management wanted to know what really happens during an emergency - the good and the bad. Here are two of the questions we asked: "Can you share any steps you took in advance that proved important during the emergency?" "Can you share any success stories about actions taken by you or others during the emergency itself?"

Read the story based on the survey to get the answers, then let us know about some of the situations you've faced at your facility. Share your stories, best practices, tips and/or questions in the comments field below or start your own thread.

     Naomi Millán, Be the first to comment

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