From the Editor
Green roofs are certainly not a new idea. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon – one of the Seven Wonders of the World – was essentially a green roof, and it was built about 600 BC. But it’s only been the last dozen years or so, as green building has grown up, that green roofs have returned to prominence. In 2001, when the first municipal green roof project in the U.S. was completed on Chicago’s City Hall, green roof advocates had a high-profile case study to point to verifying the applicability of green roofs on commercial facilities.

Green roofs have several benefits: They reduce the urban heat island effect and stormwater runoff; they can keep buildings cooler in the summertime, reducing air conditioning costs; they act as a layer of insulation, potentially reducing heat costs in the winter; and they can provide urban facility occupants a soothing environment for breaks.

But there are several things to think about if you are considering a green roof. First and foremost is cost. Green roofs are expensive compared with traditional roofs, and it’s hard to make the case for a green roof strictly on a return on investment basis. Also, they are heavy, so if you’re considering a green roof as a retrofit, the facility may require extra structural support. Waterproofing is sometimes an issue, as well.

But, again, as green roofs have become more and more popular, there are more and more experts that can help guide you through the process. And more and more manufacturers are offering high-quality green roof products.

Do you have a green roof on your building? What were some of the challenges and lessons learned? I’d love to hear from you!  

Greg Zimmerman, editor

Green Strategies
Roof Asset Management and the Importance of Maintenance
It’s important to think of the roof exactly as you would any other valuable facility asset. That’s especially true for green roofs.  

In the News
Green Roofs Should be Designed With Specific Goals
A study by The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at the University of Texas illustrates why it is important to consider the specific attributes of different green roofing products. They can vary greatly. 

Green Toolkit
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities
The organization provides a wealth of research and neutral information about green roofs, including (when you register) its GreenSave Calculator, which can help you determine how much energy can be saved by using a green roof.

Green Pulse
What is your level of experience with green roofs?
— We have a green roof on our building.
— We’re strongly considering using a green roof soon.
— We've thought about green roofs, but passed.
— We have no interest in green roofs. 

Click here to answer and view results.

GreenTech Conference & Exposition

Innovations in Roofing

This presentation from GreenTech 2008 includes a case study of Chicago City Hall’s green roof. It also provides some tips on planning a rooftop garden, and illustrates the benefits of using a green roof on existing facilities.