Schedule a roof inspection to determine whether your roof is a candidate for restoration.
FM Strategies & Solutions from Building Operating Management

Henry Company
Save your roof. Save a bundle. Get the facts about roof restoration before you replace your old roof.

Get a FREE roof inspection and expert advice.

Complete the inquiry form and Henry® Company will contact you to schedule a FREE roof inspection and help you determine whether your roof is a candidate for restoration.

race Take the first step toward a money saving alternative to roof replacement!

Restore or replace your building’s roof?

workman It’s a question that may have crossed your mind. Though perhaps you haven’t even considered restoration. If you like the idea of saving time and money, you should.

With 5 simple steps, Henry® Company can help you identify whether your roof is a candidate for restoration, ultimately saving you time and money, and extending the life cycle of your roof membrane.

race See how these 5 steps can reveal potential cost savings associated with your roof.

Factors to consider when
selecting a roof coating system

workman All roofs are not created equal! That’s why it’s important to review all the characteristics of an existing roof membrane to select the proper roof restoration system. From compatibility to fire ratings to climate and more, there are many factors that go into choosing the best coating technology that will extend the life cycle of your roof, saving you money and creating a safer, more efficient building environment.

race Learn about the factors associated with choosing the right restoration system for your roof.


Information courtesy of Henry Company
